Welcome to Poetic Terrorism--a new method of communication. A new vocabulary for resistance. We're opening a new front in the war against soundbytes and corporate catchphrases, because it's impossible to think when your words are controlled by discourse that is manufactured by imperialist corporations and sold to us wholesale in our schools and TVs. Bullshit shoved down our throats by government spokespeople and paid advertising--WE (you) have something to say, SAY IT!
Poetic Terrorism is profoundly nonviolent. It is the resistance of our voices. We are controlled by a submersion tank of manufactured ideas--by the media repeating the talking points of the government.
Poetic terrorism is about bringing the art of resistance into every facet of our lives. Live your life loudly. 'There is no becoming, no revolution, no struggle, no path; already you're the monarch of your own skin--your inviolable freedom waits to be completed only by the love of other monarchs: a politics of dream, urgent as the blueness of sky.'--Hakim Bey
This blog is open to anyone's words and ideas. If you would like to post, email jed.bickman@gmail.com to let me know--I'll give you privileges and then you can post whatever you want.
The difference between language and number is that one has real existence, but is not truth in the Neitzchian sense; language is artificial and has no real existence. How can truths be carried by illusions and metaphors, and what is carried by number? How can we see the illusionary truths of language without using language? Language, therefore, the birthplace of ideology, becomes the most fundamental and inescapable ideology. This is why we can never live outside ideology. Numbers, however, are not ideologies in of themselves, but signify the ideology of mathematics that Pythagoras gave us. We now believe that truth lies in numbers, through science; the only way to escape ideology, we believe, is through objective science. This is flawed for two reasons: 1. Said proved that objectivism does not exist in science, and 2. science is in itself an ideology. It may, however, be an ideology that leads humanity away from the illusionary truths given by language, and thus the number could potentially replace language as the fundamental ideology from which all ideology is born. However, Father Infinity maintains that it all potentialities (including this one) are in existence. How does this change the perceived role of humanity in the universe? It shifts our role from conqueror (Orientalism) to quantifier. We shall traverse reality, assigning numbers to everything.
Narratives must be read as expressions of some ideology, some set of ruling principles of society. This is because texts are unavoidably read as expressions of an author, who is shaped by their culture to whatever extent we can believe in the power of upbringing and experience in the formation of one’s worldview. The narratives that make their way into the shared consciousness of our communities must share the fundamental common sensibilities of those communities. Most of them take for granted these ideologies are true, even if it is just to the extent that they take for true what they know to be true. The most salient question of the conventional critic at this point becomes: How did these authors learn that what is true is true? However, the more interesting question for us here is the implication: how do narratives go about teaching the reader what truth is? How do narratives reproduce the ideologies that control the masses?
Poem phrase: colon truth written slowly, spoken quickly, lived briefly jabberwocky: story untold understood lives morph into lies in meta-ink pixels. Times-new-roman selves shelved on endless, eternal, unreadable disks-
this data has no birthplace born recorded, it means nothing to us. ignore my name
and twist yourself around my glowing words. allow yourself to listen- the first moment of release into another's reality my greyness spread out over your eartime is our first taste of nirvana indulgence in escapism allowable only in institution dorm room eternities.
Can this acid ink shatter our suffocating interpellation? I'll hail you as universal, and in exchange, you promise to call me nothing. I am a piece of paper and I know you well enough to know that you can breathe. your gaze violates me, your eyes expose every inkstain, soon, you will have finished with me.
Poem phrase: colon truth written slowly, spoken quickly, lived briefly jabberwocky: story untold understood lives morph into lies in meta-ink pixels. Times-new-roman selves shelved on endless, eternal, unreadable disks--
this data has no birthplace born recorded, it means nothing to us. ignore my name
and twist yourself around my glowing words. allow yourself to listen-- the first moment of release into another's reality my greyness spread out over your eartime is our first taste of nirvana indulgence in escapism allowable only in institution dorm room eternities.
this is only the beginning. what is the rest? the question keeps me up at night.
Poem phrase: colon truth written slowly, spoken quickly, lived briefly jabberwocky: story untold understood lives morph into lies in meta-ink pixels. Times-new-roman selves shelved on endless, eternal, unreadable disks murderer: